Soon You Can Buy Bitcoin With a Debit or Credit Card



By Jeff Paul

Buying bitcoin has been complicated since its origin. That may be about to change.

Coinbase announced a pilot program to allow some users to buy bitcoin with debit cards or credit cards.

We’re constantly looking for ways to make buying bitcoin easier for our users. As part of that mission, we’re excited to announce support for purchasing bitcoin with a credit or debit card. When purchasing with a credit or debit card, you’ll receive your bitcoin instantly. To start, we’ll be gradually rolling out credit and debit card purchase support to users in the UK and Spain.

Since you’re one of our most valued customers, we’d like to extend you an invite to help us test card purchases during our invite-only pilot. At your convenience, feel free to look through and take advantage of our card support using the simple steps below:

[GARD align=”center”]

– Open your payment methods page
– Add a credit or debit card
– Buy bitcoin using your newly-added card (Source: reddit)

Coinbase is the world’s largest bitcoin wallet service. They’ve made bitcoin much easier to use with their PayPal-like user experience, but purchasing bitcoin still requires users to link to a verified bank account and waiting several days. It’s currently a cumbersome process to say the least.

This development by Coinbase, however, could make buying bitcoin as easy as buying anything else on the Internet.