Is EOS The Ethereum Killer? Jeff Berwick Interviews Lead Developer Dan Larimer


Jeff Berwick of the Dollar Vigilante interviewed EOS, Bitshares and Steemit founder Dan Larimer. The two talked about EOS’s blockchain technology and its potential to be the “Ethereum Killer.”

Dan Larimer: “When looking at trying to build these applications and trying to bring crypto to the masses you quickly realize something like Reddit requires thousands of transactions per second. Something like Facebook tens of thousands of transactions per seconds. Exchanges hundreds of thousands or millions of transactions per second. And none of the blockchain is really capable of scaling to that. Bitshares and Steemit they got the capacity to go to thousand to two thousand transactions per second but no other technology, no smart contractor platform is near that level of performance. If you take something like Etherum and it’s only doing 20 transactions per second Bitcoin is only 3-4 transactions a second.”

Larimer went on to describe how “Steem and Bitshares are the two most heavily used blockchains in terms of transactions conducted on a daily basis” even stating they “surpass Bitcoin and Etherum combined each processing 600-700 thousand transactions a day.”

When Berwick asked Larimer to explain EOS in more detail, he went on to express that their platform “would enable smart contracts that would give developers more access to write code and publish it on the blockchain without anyone’s permission creating a decentralized place for applications like Steemit to be created.

Larimer compared EOS to an Operating System running a multi core processor and Etherum to being a micro controller.

“It’s designed to deliver on Ethereum’s promises,” Larimer said.

When Larimer was asked what separates EOS from Etherum and what makes it better, he responded stating – besides performance, user-friendly account names, EOS has no transaction fees, quick transactions and faster.

Berwick went on to say that if what Larimer is saying is true we could see a massive rise in EOS.

The road map for EOS is to have a “viable testing environment this summer a test network in fall and the software should be ready to launch at the end of the token distribution period,” Larimer said.

If you want to get in on the EOS ICO you can visit the EOS website here.

It’s not available to U.S. residents but if you are inside the U.S. you can still purchase the token off various exchanges.