Competition For The Real Bitcoin Heats Up: Bitcoin Core Vs Bitcoin Cash


By Vin Armani

Two versions of Bitcoin are competing for mining share and market share – Bitcoin Core (BTC) versus Bitcoin Cash (BCH). In this video, Vin Armani discusses which fork he thinks will win the Bitcoin competition and why.

Read the article: Bitcoin Forks And Scaling Decoded: Will The Real Bitcoin Please Stand Up?

Vision for Bitcoin Cash by Rick Falkvinge

Vin Armani is the host of The Vin Armani Show on Activist Post, author of Self Ownership, agorist entrepreneur, founder of Bebi Vodka and co-founderĀ Counter Markets. Follow Vin on Twitter and subscribe on YouTube. Get the weekly podcast onĀ iTunes or Stitcher. Vin is available for interviews at email – Vin (at)