Blockchain Reviews: REVAIN’s R-Token Will Be Trading on These Exchanges


After a successful crowd sale raising a total of 2108 BTC [FIAT: $8,851,492 from its ICO the blockchain review rewards platform REVAIN is ready to announce the exchanges that the digital asset will be hosted on for its launch into the cryptomarkets.

During its first day of its sale, REVAIN said they made a total of $4 million dollars or at the time 1052 BTC. At the time of the ICO REVAIN (R) tokens were only 0.000011 BTC or [FIAT: 0.5 cents.]

REVAIN is targeting more than 14 exchanges for trading its R-token including:

“Bittrex, Bitflip, Yobit, Novaexchange, Gatecoin, DABTC, Kraken, Kuna, Bitx-south-africa, Livecoin, Btcchina, Okcoin, Bitfinex, Poloniex,” REVAIN told Coinivore in an email.

They recently announced that R-token is already trading on Cryptopia, C-Cex , Mercatox, and BitFlip. Discussions with other trading platforms are underway. New announcements are expected shortly.

REVAIN’s pre-concept architecture is made up of a web-interface where users interact with an independent reviews database built on Ethereum. The economical model suggests using two token types: an R-token for crowdsale and an RVN-token for transactions within the platform.

The R-token is to be sold on the exchanges, while RVN-token is the stable coin created to level token’s volatile exchange rate. RVN-token will be used to reward users for quality reviews and withdrawn from companies’ balance for those reviews. RVNs will also be deducted from any type of accounts in case there are any violations and misusages of the platform.

The company seeks to focus on authenticating online reviews for businesses and customers alike, eradicating fake reviews and any deletion of genuine negative customer reviews. Offering the user and business alike a service think a paid version of Yelp. Watch the video below for an overview:

REVAIN’s CEO Rinat Arslanov previously gave a statement to Coinivore and elaborated further on his development aspirations:

“We believe that there is a huge potential in online reviews. However, according to our research, there haven’t been any previous attempts of creating similar services on Blockchain. REVAIN has developed a totally different format of communication between a user and a company. The company is to reward users for reviews left on Blockchain given that those reviews are authentic and can’t be deleted or changed at a later stage.”

As for the product itself, users can expect to first test a version of REVAIN this fall. The release of the platform is planned for the fourth quarter of 2017. REVAIN’s tech-team is working on a web-interface to be launched by the end of this year.

REVAIN thanks all the crowdfunders and bounty program participants for the support.

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This article is a paid press release. Always do your own due diligence before investing in any digital asset.