Instant Way to Buy and Sell Altcoins Using Cash Deposits


altcoins Integrates with Service allows users to purchase digital currencies via their bank or credit union, an instant Bitcoin and altcoin exchange service, has partnered with, a website which enables users to buy digital currencies with a cash deposit via cash deposit at a local bank or credit union.

AltQuick provides safe, reliable escrow services to sellers of Bitcoin through BitQuick, while offering an easier way for buyers to obtain the digital currencies they wish to receive. With the ShapeShift integration, AltQuick can now offer a larger selection of digital currencies to buyers.

“Up until now, despite the heavy interest in various cryptocurrency projects out there, they’ve been relatively difficult to acquire, especially with fiat. Our integration with ShapeShift allows us to conveniently mirror’s orderbook onto in a variety of cryptocurrencies supported by ShapeShift,” said AltQuick CEO and Founder Jad Mubaslat.

“I’m excited about this for a variety of reasons, but most importantly we will be able to service different cryptocurrency community enthusiasts, while at the same time increasing BitQuick’s liquidity.”

Developed to be primarily used as an API, ShapeShift’s integration with AltQuick follows partnerships with other leading cryptocurrency companies. ShapeShift recently blocked the State of New York (Fortune, 06/11/2015), protesting the danger placed on consumers due to NY’s new BitLicense regulation.